Monday 2 May 2011

Random interesting accidents encountered by wandering around

Work in progress- Textiles

Im working on a series of handmade paper pieces combined with screen printed text to symbolise the role of prayer in a 'non-religious' format. I have acquired prayers from biblical proverbs, from my grandmothers prayer book & a holy well(I find these very interesting places), removing the religious element of the texts  to create a general moral message. I have also written my own prayers or affirmations. All of these have been screen printed onto silk and organza. so here are some details....

Ground Floor- Our Third year Crawford college of art and design exhibition @ the elysian.

The exhibition opens on June 2nd 6pm-9pm running until June 16th 11am-9pm daily- a diverse group of artworks and artists including ceramics, video, painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, installation, textile, glass.....the list goes on. We just finished the photoshoot for the catalogue which I co-ordinated, it was exciting to see all the work in one place. Julian Campbell will be writing the forward for the catalogue.